The Spa 's Blog

Moms-To-Be and Athletes Benefit From Massage

April 3rd, 2014 • Posted by The Spa • Permalink

The art of massage was developed in China more than 5000 years ago. The ancient techniques of manipulating muscles came to the United States in the 19th century and since then have flourished in many aspects of the American culture. Numerous studies show the benefits of massage therapy. From muscle relief and improved mobility to better circulation and help with the healing process, massage therapy has a long list of advantages More...


What To Do Between Facial Treatments?

March 19th, 2014 • Posted by The Spa • Permalink

Make your skin looks its best by committing to regular facials. Don't stop there either. Keep up with your facials between treatments and do an at-home facial, using a mask that suits your skin type once a week. Here are a few different DIY facial masks you can try at home. Pick the one appropriate for your skin concern More...


Athletes and Massage

February 18th, 2014 • Posted by The Spa • Permalink

An athlete going through training needs to incorporate body massage, so muscles can stay loose. When muscles are loose, blood and other fluids can move freely through them allowing the body to maintain healthy muscle tissue. Many athletes make the mistake of thinking that their tight, sore muscles are good signs of a good workout. A sore tight muscle means that muscle is nice and strong, right?

Wrong! Muscles actually have more strength to perform when they aren't tight More...